When someone wants to start a business, the main objective is to obtain profits through a feasible and profitable business idea. The less debt there is, the fewer expenses there are, which is especially good when we want to attract the attention of potential investors.

However, there are always exceptions. Sell a company with debt can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. Many business owners are faced with the reality that their company has debt when they are considering selling. Fortunately, there are strategies for selling a company with debt and maximizing the value of the sale.

Does having debt make it impossible to sell a business?

First of all, it is important to understand that a company’s debts do not automatically disqualify the company for being sold. Many companies have debt and are still viable and attractive to potential buyers. In many cases, a company may have debt because it has invested in its growth, faced unforeseen circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, does not have an operational marketing plan, or simply does not know the industry.

However, before the sale, it is important to keep in mind a few key considerations. Firstly, the business owner must understand the amount of debts and the type of debts the company has and how that can affect the sale. Debts may include bank loans, vendor invoices, tax debts, and other liabilities. It is essential to have a good understanding of the company’s financial situation in order to determine its value and establish a fair price for the sale.

How to sell a company with debt?

Once the debt situation is understood, there are several strategies that can be used to sell the company.

– The first option is to pay all debts before the sale. If the business owner has sufficient resources to pay off the debts. This may be a viable option. By paying off all the debts, the business becomes a clean asset and can be sold for its real value.

– Another option is to sell the company with the debts included in the sale price. This means that the buyer will assume responsibility for the debts after the purchase. In this case, the value of the company will be reduced by the amount of the debts. The buyer can also negotiate with the company’s creditors to renegotiate the debts at a lower interest rate.

– Restructuring the company prior to the sale can also be an option. Restructuring may involve consolidating debts, reducing expenses, and selling non-core assets. This can help reduce the amount of debts owed and increase the value of the company.

It is important to remember that the buyer of the company knows the debt situation prior to the purchase. Therefore, it is important to be honest about the company’s situation and provide all relevant information to potential buyers. This can help build trust and increase the chances of a successful sale.

In short, selling a company with debts can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. At GyV Asesores we specialize in carrying out these types of transactions. Contact us and we will help you through the entire process!

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